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Konrad Gawda

Telecommunications expert and Python programmer, member since its inception. After years in Orange Labs R&D and promoting NFVI concept, today he creates Orange Polska NFVI – the infrastructure for virtualization of network functions. Focused on automation and applying software development philosophy to telco network. Active in works with ONAP (Open Network Automation Platform) before it gained its current name.

NFVI in Orange Polska

We will discuss OpenStack as a platform for Network Function Virtualization (NFV), from telecommunications operator perspective. Facing the future, with technologies such as 5G and ONAP on the horizon, we act today evolving elements of our network into the virtual domain.

To begin, we will explore specifics of the problem and what differentiates telco solutions from regular applications. Going over the idea of Software Defined Networking, we will uncover different meanings that are hidden underneath.

We will present our experience with OpenStack-based NFVI (NFV Infrastructure) in the context of Orange Group. That will be the entry point to discuss further development and automation in this area. Next, we will touch upon roadblocks encountered during planning and deployment, as well as requirements raised by VNFs providers. The presentation will close with our long term vision about where virtualization is heading.